Nexell Accelerators (Nexellerator) Solutions are a series of packaged tools and solutions designed and applicable for a variety of industries and businesses, big & small, to help them get a quick CRM start, boost, grow or extend their business, fully built on the leading platforms.
Our services, technologies and strategies, based on 20+ years of experience & collaboration with both small and large organizations, have allowed us to create a set of unique solutions, best practices and methodologies which we apply to all projects, large and small, locally and internationally.
All packages bear the "swiss made software" quality label.
The packages are fully secured on's platform's encryption features and are fully prepared for local and European, GDPR and Swiss data privacy nFADP regulations.
Why Nexellerator
Switzerland is a small but dynamic country with many particularities. While having implemented CRM solutions for over 2 decades, we identified a need to address these specificities. We therefore wanted to bring a tinge of a Swiss touch to Salesforce and empower local businesses and organizations with powerful accelerators.
What are Nexellerators?
- Suite of modules and accelerators adapted to the Swiss market specificities
- Engineered solutions, fully adaptable to your needs and your salesforce org
- Natively integrated to salesforce standard features on the salesforce platform, hosted locally on Hyperforce
- Pick and choose from all the modules available
- Swissmade software label
- Reasonable licensing options, ORG based, without individual user based licensing or % transaction based licensing.
- Fully customizable and adaptable to your business processes
- Quickly deployed & configured
Nexellerator NPSP-to-NPC Migration
Nexellerator solutions simplifies your migration from NPSP to NPC in a streamlined, semi-automated way.
Since salesforce's release of the new Non-Profit Cloud (NPC) in 2023, organizations using the previous "Non-Profit Success Pack" (NPSP) are assessing the impact of an upgrade to salesforce's latest platform for non profit customers.
Although salesforce guarantees support for NPSP customers for the forseable future, all new product developments and feature releases will only be available for NPC customers. As no migration / upgrade tools will be provided by salesforce, and as the core datamodel and feature set of NPSP versus NPC is drastically different, the Nexell team felt that existing clients needed a simpler way to face such a migration.
Introducing the Nexellerator NPSP-to-NPC migration tool.
Functional summary:
- Migration of all data, metadata and custom setup* from your NPSP salesforce instance to your new NPC salesforce instance.
- The Nexellerator NPSP-to-NPC solution is temporarily installed on both your salesforce instances and sandboxes.
- The tool provides standard mappings & migration paths between the existing features and data models. Example:
- Household to Accounts, Contacts & Person Accounts
- Opportunity donations to Gifts
- etc. (See example mapping below)
- Standard mappings can be modified to accomodate your custom setup, fields, objects and metadata.
- Custom objects and applications can also be mapped and migrated.
- Mass migration of data in a logical and organized way.
*Note: within technical limitations of salesforce's API. Some features must be migrated manually.
Migration of your organization from NPSP to NPC:
Taking a "big bang" approach to migrating from NPSP to NPC, including all setup, data, users and business processes may be a daunting task. Instead, a step-by-step approach can be used, allowing various departments or business functions to be migrated individually while keeping all data in sync between both salesforce instances. A step-by-step approach will help you plan and control the budget and timeline as well as the need of your internal resources, all the while having Nexell's experienced team at your side every step of the way.
- Strategically planned migration, team by team, department by department, dataset by dataset.
- Migration can be planned over any period of time, to suit the business needs.
- Once a team is migrated, they work on the new NPC system, while the remaining teams are still on the NPSP system, until fully migrated.
- During the migration process, both salesforce systems remain in sync, ensuring data integrity is maintained and delta data remains updated.
It is to be noted that each migration is to be considered as a project and is to be properly planned in detail. The Nexell team will of course lead and guide the discussions and process throughout, with you.
Pricing and commercial aspects:
- The Nexellerator solution is to be installed in all needed salesforce NPSP & NPC Orgs (production, sandboxes, etc.)
- A single license price is offered, per customer, independant of the number of salesforce Orgs, users, complexity or data volumes.
- The license is charged on a monthly basis, until migration is complete. A minimum of 3 month is expected.
- Once migration is completed, no more charges are incurred and the Nexellerator solution is de-installed.
- Nexell services, based on an agreed hourly rate, are needed througout the duration.
Please contact the Nexell team for a detailed discussion and pricing information.
Nexellerator Swiss QR-Bill
The Swiss QR-Bill was launched in Switzerland on June 30, 2020. It allows for faster, easier and more efficient payments possibilities for all. It has replaced the old Orange & Red payment slips, which were discontinued in September 30, 2022.
All Swiss businesses therefore face the challenge to use and be able to issue Swiss QR-Bill payment slips & invoices.
If you want to issue invoices from your salesforce system, without changes to your setup and datamodel, why not simply use the Nexellerator Swiss QR-Bill solution, and ensure you are compliant with this payment technology, being used by all Swiss businesses.
The Nexellerator Swiss QR-Bill solution:
The solution is natively built on the platform, without the need or connection to external banking or ERP systems. Of course, connecting to your billing application is possible if this is desired.
The solution is adapted to your exact data model, for your specific needs, ensuring the strict Swiss QR-Billing standards are supported and respected.
- Nexellerator installed managed package onto your CRM system.
- Adaptable to any data model. The solution can be used and invoices generated from any single object or combination of multiple objects.
- QR-Bill generated from a single invoice object.
- QR-Bill generated from multiple objects (ex: Account, Contact, Opportunity, Products, Quotes, Contracts etc.).
- QR-Bill generated from any custom object, within your own customized system and data model.
- Can be adapted to any Corporate Identity (CI).
- QR-Bill output as PDF or editable MS-Word.
- Single QR-Bill generation (single record).
- Mass QR-Bill generation (multiple records).
- Multilingual & Multi-currency dependencies possible.
- Generated QR-Bill can be saved as a file on the salesforce record.
- CRM, Platform or Enterprise Edition or higher.
- Document generation capabilities (many options are available).
Nexellerator Swiss Post Address Management
Can you ensure that your postal addresses in your CRM are up to date, when over 600'000 address changes occur every year in Switzerland?
The Nexellerator Swiss Post component from Nexell for address maintenance and cleansing, is the solution of choice for you as an organization - especially as a non-profit organization. It offers you the opportunity to use Swiss Post's standard data quality & verification services, directly in your Salesforce CRM.
The connection of our Nexellerator solution seamlessly links your Salesforce CRM with the central data services of Swiss Post, thereby ensuring the highest possible quality of your address data (donors, interest groups, partners, customers, suppliers, etc.).
Your advantages:
- Customized solution for your address management
- Quick and cost-effective connection to your Salesforce CRM
- Can be flexibly adapted to your specific requirements and business process logic
- Postal addresses always up-to-date and clean
What exactly does our Nexellerator solution offer you?
- Individual address or mass queries (batch process)
- Campaign-based address validation to ensure the deliverability of consignments
- Real-time feedback on valid, invalid, moved or deceased addresses
- User functions for editing and managing address feedback (correct, moved, deceased) to update addresses manually or automatically in Salesforce
- Increase the success rate of your marketing campaigns through improved deliverability
This Nexellerator solution can also be used to connect to other data validation sources (e.g. Crif). Swiss Post fees apply.
Why Swiss Post's Address Management solution?
As a national logistics organization with a uniquely dense network, Swiss Post offers ideal conditions for providing you with professional support in the area of address management. In combination with our unique interface to your Salesforce CRM, you are ideally placed to stay one step ahead of your competitors!
Links about the Webservice of the Swiss Post:
Update and maintain address data
Fact sheet address maintenance
Nexellerator Smart Data Importer
Enhance data import mechanisms and complement standard salesforce import tools, with smart import, matching and simultaneous ETL data manipulations.
Many companies, especially Non-Profit organizations, need to regularly import new data files, to complement their existing data, into their CRM system. Existing import tools from salesforce (Data Import Wizard, NPSP import tool, Dataloader etc) allow for basic data import, but do not allow for smart data manipulations and complex triage & handling.
The Smart Data Importer can be used for all data and salesforce objects and can be configured for unlimited file types and automated manipulations.
- Import & matching of addresses.
- Update of central Swiss address book with City, Kanton, Gemeinde etc.
- Update of bank details and information via a central file.
- Import of donations, simple and recurring, from various external sources (Corris, Emika, Surprise etc).
- Import of bank transaction files, in csv format, for further consolidation of transactions, GAU & Subledger data.
- As well as import of any data, for any object and with any automations & manipuations.
Drag & Drop user interface, allows users to simply upload the file to be imported.
The Smart Importer automatically recognizes the file type and executes the necessary procedures for import and manipulations.
The Error log functionality provides the user with all possible error messages, depending on file type.
Detailed error logs provide the eventual error messages and allow the user to act on their corrections.
Transaction log is provided for all data being imported & manipulated.
Nexellerator CAMT.054 Smart Data Importer
Based on the standard Nexellerator Smart Data Importer above, the CAMT.054 importer provides the following additional functionality, with all the benefits of our Nexellerator solutions:
- Import of standardized CAMT.054 XML files from your bank.
- Additional functions for payment mapping and consolidation can be configured to your specific business needs.
- EGA files, if included, are to be handled separately & manually.
- Fully customizable to your processes.
Nexellerator Post Retour
In addition to the Nexellerator Smart Import Tool, clients who do mass post mailings, need to manage post bounces or "Retours / Returns"
This component identifies each mailing address with a unique ID, which is translated into a bar code, and read by Swiss Post's services. If the letter is for any reason undeliverable, the Swiss Post sends back a list to the client, which is then further imported into salesforce for correction and handling.
- Custom logic to uniquely identify each address
- ID format prepared for the client's needed post service, which can be converted into a bar code.
- Handling of post returns and the data corrections and eventual manipulations.
- Management and custom logic as often used by Swiss non-profits (ex: an address must bounce 3 times before it is corrected).
Nexellerator Investment Management
With our experience in the field of relationship management, together with a wealth of accumulated knowledge and experience in the Financial Services industry, Nexell has developed a series of "Accelerator" packages which give FinTech clients a kick-start to their projects.
Be it applications for Private Banking, Wealth, Fund or Asset Managers, Private Equity or Family Offices, all applications are based on the leading cloud platform.
All packages have been developed by Nexell in Switzerland, for the Swiss Financial Services Industry, based on our extensive experiences gained over the years. They have been peer-reviewed by Swiss industry leaders & experts, supported by the Zurich based F10 FinTECH Incubator.
Features & Benefits:
- Map and qualify investor profiles, centralize assets and evaluate risks
- Manage funds, fund classes and NAV
- Track investment recommendations, positions and performance
- Manage trusts and track mandates
Nexellerator SDG
Manage your SDGs in
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.
They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
The Nexellerator SDG package, allows you to manage your SDG goals directly in salesforce, also graphically. Track multiple SDGs for every Lead and Account in the system, dynamically and report on them graphically.
In an instant, your users will see which Account has achieved which goal.
Nexellerator DeinAdieu
The Nexellerator DeinAdieu component allows for organizations to simply integrate the leading Swiss testament and succession planning platform into your CRM.
As a DeinAdieu client / user, either directly or via an existing non-profit organization, you continue using the platform to define your last will & testament, record heirs, define beneficiaries as well as patient decrees and more.
As each person using the DeinAdieu platform, is essentially a "Lead" in your CRM, as despite them planning their legacy, today they are still considered as active & potential donors to your cause.
These interactions can be carefully managed and followed in your CRM system.
Features & Benefits:
- Seemlsess integration between your DeinAdieu & salesforce CRM accounts
- Full flexibility and configurable to your business processes
- Compatible with salesforce's NPSP and NPC solutions and data models
- An integral part of your legacy planning and donor strategy
Nexellerator Compliance
The Nexellerator Compliance component allows organizations to work in a secure and compliant way by collecting and centralizing key information about day-to-day activities.
- Customize, streamline and monitor your due diligence processes by collecting and analyzing information about your customers (KYC) or your deals / projects (KYT)
- Connect your CRM with best-of-breed AML solutions like Refinitiv’s World Check® or LexisNexis® for a seamlessly integrated experience
Nexellerator PhotoDrop
The PhotoDrop Accelerator component allows for simple drag and drop upload of photos for all pages.
Upload your client's picture, company logo or the picture of your client's assets.
PhotoDrop includes:
- A simple way to drag and drop any photo onto your page layouts.
- Used for person photos, company logos, photos of Client's assets etc.
Nexellerator Relationship Manager
The Relationship Manager Accelerator component extends's CRM functionality and allows you to simply manage relationship to any person or entity in the system.
Full relationship (ex: Client - Advisor) and reverse relationship (ex: Advisor - Client) management functionality is available for true N:N mapping of your client's connections in a 3600 view of your data.
Relationship Manager includes:
- Relationship mapping with a clear and user friendly interface
- Client specific Auto-Reverse relationship definition, without the need for Admin setup
- True N:N mapping of any person or client, business or individuals, in a single logical view
- Direct navigation, with on the fly edit and extended Relationship Notes functionality.
- Free selection of which fields & data are to be visible for each relationship
The relationship Tree Accelerator
The Relationship Tree Accelerator component provides for a graphical, data centric hierarchical view of your relationship data.
Your Client and person data are presented in a horizontal or vertical view with dynamic focussing on the record of choice, providing a clear "picture" of your key business relationships and their influences.
Relationship Tree includes:
- Vertical or horizontal component to view your relationships in an "on-page", hierarchical & graphical way
- Focussed and data centric presentation of your data of choice
- Direct navigation, with on the fly edit and extended Relationship Notes functionality.
- Free selection of which fields & data are to be visible for each relationship
- Reciprocity
- Customizable relationships
Nexellerator FX Manager
The Foreign Exchange (FX) accelerator component is fully integrated with's multi-currency management tools, with a realtime connection to the European Central Bank, to monitor currency fluctuations. The component enhances's advanced & dated currency management, monitoring all system defined currencies versus the customer's default currency, for all financial transactions.
FX Manager includes:
- Up to date currency exchange rates automatically fed from the ECB (European Central Bank)
- Enhances's advanced dated currency management functionality.
- All system defined currencies are compared live, to the system's default currency
- Positive / Negative exchange rate indicators, versus the previous period
- Link to the ECB's individual reference exchange rates
- Auto-update of salesforce's dated exchange rates, with new daily rates (Admin only)
- *Note: Fees may apply, depending on data providers used
Nexellerator Register Check (Zefix & UID) for Salesforce
When you are managing and maintaining your CRM Company data, do you regularly consult central registrar websites (HR-Handelsregister) like and ?
Instead of manually searching for the correct website and needed information, why not simply automate the task directly from your CRM system.
Our Nexellerator Register Check package connects to Zefix and the Swiss company register sources and helps you quickly identify the company (Lead & Account) you are looking for and automatically import the key information needed.
Nexellerator also makes a name check to ensure that you have the official legal company name in your system, as per the official registry.
If multiple instances of the company are found, you have the possibility to select the correct company or to mark it as “not registered” if not found. Once selected, the data sources are linked and data imported into salesforce and your Lead or Account is updated.
Nexellerator ensures that you have the most up to data and legally correct information from the central Swiss registries, directly into your CRM.
Nexellerator Permaleads Connect for Salesforce
Permaleads from Permagroup is the leading website lead generation tool for B2B customers in Switzerland. It provides you with comprehensive information you need about visitor website behaviour, who has visited your website and shown interest in your products and services, for more informed decision making.
With Permaleds Connect for salesforce, all this crucial business information is in your CRM, ready for your teams to maximize their targeted Sales and Marketing customer acquisition processes.
Key Features:
- Automatic Lead creation in salesforce from data received from your Permaleads account.
- Capture company name, website, address, number of visits, URL visited, duration, date and time, Lead/Account Source and the source website etc
- Language preference, product interest, campaign targeting based on the visited URL
- Salesforce driven reporting & dashboard statistics
- Permagroup:
- Video: What is Permaleads
- Video: Permaleads for salesforce
- PDF: Permaleads for salesforce (English version or Deutsche Version)
Nexellerator Toast Notifier
Use the Nexellerator Toast notifier to setup custom user notifications, based on any event or trigger type in your salesforce system.
Notifications can be setup, even without the use of the salesforce console, triggered by any custom system event.

- If you are using appexchange packages to generate pdf documents, either single or en masse, they sometimes take time to get generated. Get notified with name, link & reference that your document is ready.
- Reminders set by different conditions.
- Popup notification, pre-formatted with your specific data, links & message.
- Can be applied to any salesforce data, object and triggered by any salesforce system event.
Contact us to see how we can support your CRM and project needs.