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Empowering Comebacks: Nexell Revolutionizes Career Returns for Women with Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud

NexellAngels for Nonprofit Organizations
Salesforce Partner Badge Since 2002 RGB
SFDO Partner Badge 2021 Vertical 1
  Empowering Women: The Bring Women Back to Work Initiative The Bring Women Back to Work (BWBW) initiative, launched on International Women’s Day in March 2020 supported by Salesforce, aims to create a workplace landscape where diversity, inclusion, and gender equality flourish. Founded by Vanessa Gentile, a passionate advocate for the #womenintech community, BWBW empowers skilled but unemployed women to confidently re-enter the professional sphere, fostering a balanced and innovative workforce enriched by their valuable expertise. Participants undergo a free-of-charge 12-month retraining program, which offers flexible teaching, mentoring and coaching to accommodate other commitments and a gradual reintroduction to the workforce. This comprehensive program equips women with necessary skills and connects them with job opportunities at leading Salesforce Partner and Customer companies. Challenges of Growth and Expansion As BWBW rapidly expanded in participants, cohorts, learning program and supporting partners and customers across Switzerland and Europe, managing contacts and processes became increasingly...
Empowering Comebacks: Nexell Revolutionizes Career Returns for Women with Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud

John Sas - Member of the Salesforce Consulting Partner Advisory Board

  I am proud to be part of the Partner Advisory Board, as one of Salesforce’s leading European Consulting Partners. I’d like to share with you the focus and impact we would like to drive together. has become the leading provider of non-profit, education and philanthropy solutions worldwide. As a leading Swiss / European Consulting Partner, we work hand in hand with the salesforce teams on a daily basis, to ensure our clients get maximum benefit from their systems & investments. It is of course our customers who have graciously brought us to this point, but even as a global leader, we have to ask ourselves, “Can we do better ? Can we do more to help ?” Being part of this team, built by Salesforce community members globally, allows us to provide the needed feedback to Salesforce, at the highest levels, for product development, vision, strategy, services delivery,...
John Sas - Member of the Salesforce Consulting Partner Advisory Board

NexellAngels in the right place at the right time - for good deeds during difficult times!

Interview with John Sas - Founder & Managing Partner, Nexell GmbH   John, tell us a bit about Nexell.Nexell is a boutique type of business specializing in customer relationship management (CRM) and partnering with Salesforce for almost 20 years. We are a multinational and multilingual team of 25 people, all based in Switzerland. Our mission is to help our customers to build better relationships through custom CRM solutions and our strategic expertise. We want them to be able to concentrate on their mission or efficiently work towards their business goals while we take care of their systems.What distinguishes you from your competitors?We are different in many ways. Have you heard about our NexellAngels? This initiative is a core part of our DNA. We help nonprofit organizations, NGOs, Higher Ed, and startups enhance their ability to achieve their social mission through improved efficiency. This means that we help them transform into connected...
NexellAngels in the right place at the right time - for good deeds during difficult times!