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Bienvenue dans le monde du CRM, un univers en constante évolution. Retrouvez sur notre blog toute l'actualité de, les progrès technologiques, des informations, des commentaires, des évaluations et des avis. Community Impact Partner of the Year 2021/22

Nexell says Thank You!! The Nexell team is honored to have won this great Salesforce Award in the Community Impact category, for the year 2021/22!Nexell is celebrating its 20th anniversary and was the first certified Salesforce partner in Europe. That alone is a great achievement for us!We are always trying to make a difference - for our customers, our partners and friends, and for ourselves - and it is a great honor for us that Nexell is recognized with this award for its special efforts, our continuous commitment and support.The Nexell team makes a great contribution to VTO (Voluntary Time Off). Both as a team and as individuals, we regularly and continuously support organizations in our community under the umbrella of our unique NexellAngels initiative, which is a core part of our DNA. Salesforce's 1-1-1 model has been adopted by Nexell and is a perfect fit for our NexellAngels philosophy and...

Das turbine theater geht digital

Authors: Dominik Zemp - Betriebsleiter turbine theater & Claudia Uboldi - Marketing & Relationship Management Nexell 

Salesforce + Slack: Let’s cut through the noise

Author: Julien Le Dantec - Salesforce Consultant & Cloud Futura Sales Engineer

NexellAngels in the right place at the right time - for good deeds during difficult times!

Interview with John Sas - Founder & Managing Partner, Nexell GmbH   John, tell us a bit about Nexell.Nexell is a boutique type of business specializing in customer relationship management (CRM) and partnering with Salesforce for almost 20 years. We are a multinational and multilingual team of 25 people, all based in Switzerland. Our mission is to help our customers to build better relationships through custom CRM solutions and our strategic expertise. We want them to be able to concentrate on their mission or efficiently work towards their business goals while we take care of their systems.What distinguishes you from your competitors?We are different in many ways. Have you heard about our NexellAngels? This initiative is a core part of our DNA. We help nonprofit organizations, NGOs, Higher Ed, and startups enhance their ability to achieve their social mission through improved efficiency. This means that we help them transform into connected...

Digitization in Financial Services: Silex and Nexell pitching in for success

Salesforce, Silex and Nexell are teaming up to climb new digital heights in the Swiss Financial Services industry! We were very pleased to be interviewed by Salesforce to talk about new summits we have been climbing in the Financial Services industry, together with our valued customer Silex. What an inspiring interview of José Muñoz, Chief Digital Officer at Silex and David Derrier, Head of Operations at Nexell, both sharing their individual point of view how digitalization leads to success in the Financial Services industry. They discussed how digitization and specifically Salesforce helps Silex on their way to even more success in this highly regulated market.Listen in! And also find out about the secret sauce of Nexell to deliver successful projects and bring maximal ROI to customers through their digital journey.
Silex kicked off a Salesforce project with Nexell in January 2021 to centralize and streamline sales activities between the different teams...

Marketing + Education = Oxymoron

Author: Salvatore Caruso - Salesforce & Pardot Consultant at Nexell

Why Salesforce’s New Dynamic Forms and Actions Are a Game-Changer

Time Tracks and Project Summary Tabs
Author: Daniel Darugna - Project Manager at Nexell The Challenge Have you ever considered that your Salesforce CRM might have a complex page layout or a layout that does not suit and support every user’s or user group’s main purpose and work?Or have you ever had the feeling that your Salesforce users are losing too much of their time finding the right information on a page? Is this slowing down their speed at work?Does it seem like your sales team is spending more time navigating Salesforce than closing deals?If you answered yes to any of these questions, this article is for you!You, as a company, strive to work as efficiently as possible towards your business goals. Ordinarily, company leaders and managers firstly seek to improve and streamline processes and choose the right tools to improve efficiency, reduce administrative work, increase productivity, and improve the converted lead and closed deals ratio.When you have...

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