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NexellAngels zur Unterstützung von Körper & Geist!

Unsere NexellAngels fördern auch dieses Jahr wieder die Stiftung Special Olympics Schweiz und deren grossartige Initiative, Sport für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene mit Beeinträchtigung zu fördern. 

NexellAngels & Pro Juventute - Gemeinsamer Appell zum Schutz von Kindern und Jugendlichen während COVID-19

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Kinder und Jugendliche müssen Schutz finden können!  Zusammen sind wir stärker. Helfen Sie daher mit, und unterstützen Sie das Crowdfunding Projekt zum Schutz für Kinder und Jugendliche, eine grossartige Initiative unseres geschätzten Kunden Pro Juventute.  Mit dieser Kampagne sollen speziell in dieser turbulenten und verunsichernden Zeit der Quarantäne und Isolation während COVID-19 uneingeschränkt alle Kinder und Jugendliche umsorgt werden können - eine Zeit, die ein verstärktes Risiko, Angst und eine Bedrohung darstellt. ist für sie da.Die Bedürfnisse und Rechte von Kindern und Jugendlichen drohen in der aktuellen Corona-Krise weltweit sowie in der Schweiz in Vergessenheit zu geraten.Mit einem öffentlichen Appell fordert Pro Juventute den Bundesrat auf, bei allen Massnahmen im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus den Schutz der Kinder und Jugendlichen zu berücksichtigen und die in der UN-Konvention verbrieften Kinderrechte zu garantieren. Hier geht's zum Appell - jede Unterschrift zählt! Für uns bedeutet Solidarität nicht nur zu spenden, um ein Projekt zu unterstützen sondern auch, die Botschaft zu verbreiten, um so viele...

Together we are stronger: COVID-19!

The more visibility and awareness we create, the more we can help - together we are stronger!Let's fight COVID-19 by lending our helping hands to our valued customer USZ Foundation whose overall goal is to promote medical innovation at the University Hospital Zurich. To support public welfare in these special times of COVID-19 we decided to promote the USZ Coronavirus Solidarity Fund through our network. Each donation  enables us to do even more. Together with you, the University Hospital Zurich tackles the coronavirus crises.  Solidarity for our NexellAngels is not only to co-fund important initiatives in these difficult days, but it is also to help spread the word and reach as many people as possible.Thank you for your contribution & supporting the community through your social media channels.Your NexellAngels team!

Nexell & Salesforce - together we make the difference

At Nexell, with everything we do we aim to make a difference. Even during these times of corona (COVID-19) we are still hiring. You are a woman, mother or business professional who wants to go back to work after several years off?  You see the world’s digitalization moving forward? The world sometimes seems to spin faster and you feel like you lost track of knowhow?  You don’t know where and how to step back into the business world?  The Salesforce CH “Bring Woman Back To Work (BWBTW)” initiative is made for you. This initiative addresses women who are mothers and business professionals inspired by technology in the 21st century.  As a Salesforce partner since 2002, Nexell helps drive the creation of new jobs in Switzerland and balance the diversity/equality ratio within the workforce by integrating and re-connecting women back to the business.  With the motto We hire for attitude and train...

Reverse New Year Calendar for a Good Cause to start 2020

Nexell started the year 2020 with a great idea, the “Reverse New Year Calendar” campaign to support organizations who help people in need.

NexellAngels Initiative: Free Salesforce CRM Implementation for Swiss Nonprofit Organisations

Needless to say that the situation with COVID-19 is a game changer. As a Swiss nonprofit you are directly impacted and will likely be further affected in the next months if you are not ready and equipped to work remotely. We know how important technology is in this context, and we also know how hard it can be for small organizations to adapt and transform.

Specifications design: a pre sales activity. Really?

Why bother with specifications before kicking off the project?
We all agree on the fact that starting a project without any specification is not far away from suicide. On the one hand, consultants and system integrators often expect customers to produce and document these specifications, but on the other hand customers might not have time, skills or willingness to do that.

Women empowerment and social entrepreneurship thanks to exemplary partnership

Looking back to a great year of close collaboration and partnerships with our customers and Salesforce in 2019, we are pleased to share Vision Guatemala’s successful digital journey.

Salesforce veut aider les mamans à retrouver un emploi

Nexell est très heureux de participer à cette nouvelle initiative de Salesforce qui souhaite aider les jeunes mamans à retrouver un emploi et ce grace à des formations Trailhead et avec l'aide d'un mentor.

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